Sawasdee Nuat Thai LLC
Real Thai Massage offered by a real Thai lady

Traditional Thai Massage
Nuat Thai, combined with static and rhythmic pressure, is a deep, full-body massage. No oils or lotions are used. There is constant body contact between the therapist and recipient. The recipient will be positioned in a variety of yoga-like positions during the course of the massage.
The recipient remains clothed during treatment, while lying on firm mattress. A full Thai massage session may last one and a haft or two hours. Unlike with Western massage techniques, Thai therapists use not only their hands, but also their elbows, knees, and occasionally feet. They may move the recipient's body into many different positions, allowing the therapist to effectively work on energy lines and pressure points, perform a deep kneading and stretching of the muscles, and encourage soft opening of the joints.
Traditional Thai Medicine Massage
Technique Thai Massage Points and Lines for relief of more than 50 minor ailments, such as muscle sprains and pain, frozen shoulder, middle back pain, migraine, calf muscle pain, tennis elbow, stiffness of the neck, lower back pain, muscle cramps, muscle fatigue, muscle stiffness, muscular discomfort and nervous tension. It also helps to make muscles, joints and tendons suppler.
Thai Medical Massage is helpful in preventing the atrophy(wasting away) of muscles in paralyzed patients and elderly people who are unable to exercise.

Helps you to relax
Gently corrects your posture
Improves flexibility
Removes the stiffness and muscle fatigue
Restores the entire muscular system
Relieves pain and discomfort
Aids in weight and cellulite loss
Increases blood flow
9. Increase Range of Motion (ROM)
10. Reduces joint pain caused by osteoarthritis(OA) of the knees
Consult with your physician about possible individual restrictions regarding Thai massage.
Skin Diseases e.g. Herpes Zoster, Fungal Infections
Dislocated Joints
Varicose Veins
Open Wounds
Bone Fractures
Loss of Sleep
Lymphatic Disease

All types of massage, including Thai massage, can help people relax, relieve aching muscles, and temporarily boost a person's mood.
A combination of acupressure with techniques aimed at developing joint flexibility stimulates the removal of toxins from tissues, and has a beneficial effect on the immune system. However, you will also feel a clear increase in your overall tone, both physical and mental, after 2-2.5 hours. Achieving a good workout in all areas requires a lot of time.
What to expect

For most Thai massages, you will be given a shirt and pants combination, then led to a changing room or bathroom. You can wear your own clothes, but it is a much more relaxing experience to wear the clothes provided to you. They are loose fitting, clean, and comfortable.
The Thai massage is completely different than massages that Westerners are used to. They are certainly not gentle. Usually, the therapist will make it more or less intense depending on a person’s size and age. But if you are experiencing more pain than you are comfortable with during the massage, tell them “jep”, which means "hurt".
When the massage is over, you may feel a bit beaten. This is normal! A traditional Thai massage is all about overall health benefits and long-term wellness rather than short-term relaxation. Many Thai people visit massage therapists as part of their regular healthcare regiment. Some massage shops offer a cup of herbal tea for customers to enjoy while taking a few moments to sit peacefully after a massage.
It’s common for people to feel a bit achy for the rest of the day following a Thai massage. After a good night’s sleep, though, you should start to feel the benefits with looser muscles and a greater spring in your step.
Thai massage focuses more on awakening energy flow in the body rather than stressing the body with hard stretches and strong pressure. It uses the spirit of yoga and the gentle power of softness to accomplish transformation and healing in body and mind.
About Thai Massage in Thailand

In Thailand, there are two kinds of traditional massage.
The first is called Nuat Rachasamnak, which literally means "court massage". Nuat Rachasamnak is very polite, so we do not massage the head, only the legs, back and arms. The therapist must use only hands and fingers, and when moving, they must walk on their knees.
In contrast, during Nuat Chaleisak, or "folk massage", the therapist uses hands, fingers, elbows, arms, feet, heels and knees. The massage begins with the client face down. The therapist travels from the from feet to the head, then repeats the process with the client face up.